sage_analysis package

class sage_analysis.GalaxyAnalysis(sage_parameter_fnames: List[str], plot_toggles: Optional[Dict[str, bool]] = None, sage_output_formats: Optional[List[str]] = None, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, first_files_to_analyze: Optional[List[int]] = None, last_files_to_analyze: Optional[List[int]] = None, num_sage_output_files: Optional[List[int]] = None, output_format_data_classes_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, random_seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, history_redshifts: Optional[Dict[str, Union[List[float], str]]] = None, calculation_functions: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, plot_functions: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, galaxy_properties_to_analyze: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]]] = None, plots_that_need_smf: Optional[List[str]] = None, IMFs: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Bases: object

Handles the ingestion, analysis, and plotting of SAGE galaxy outputs.

_determine_history_snapshots(model: sage_analysis.model.Model) → Optional[List[int]]

Determines which snapshots need to be iterated over to track properties over time. For each Model, the _history_<property>_redshifts and _history_<property>_snapshots attributes are updated.

Parameters:model (Model) – The Model instance to be updated.
Returns:snapshots_to_loop – The snapshots that need to be analyzed for this model to ensure that the requested redshifts are analyzed for the history properties.
Return type:list of ints
_determine_snapshots_to_use(snapshots: Optional[List[List[int]]], redshifts: Optional[List[List[int]]]) → List[List[int]]

Determine which snapshots should be analyzed/plotted based on the input from the user.

  • snapshots (nested list of ints or string, optional) – The snapshots to analyze for each model. If both this variable and redshifts are not specified, uses the highest snapshot (i.e., lowest redshift) as dictated by the redshifts attribute from the parameter file read for each model.

    If an entry if "All", then all snapshots for that model will be analyzed.

    The length of the outer list MUST be equal to num_models.


    Only ONE of snapshots and redshifts can be specified.

  • redshifts (nested list of ints, optional) – The redshift to analyze for each model. If both this variable and snapshots are not specified, uses the highest snapshot (i.e., lowest redshift) as dictated by the redshifts attribute from the parameter file read for each model.

    The snapshots selected for analysis will be those that result in the redshifts closest to those requested. If an entry if "All", then all snapshots for that model will be analyzed.

    The length of the outer list MUST be equal to num_models.


    Only ONE of snapshots and redshifts can be specified.


  • snapshots_for_models (nested list of ints) – The snapshots to be analyzed for each model.
  • Errors
  • ——
  • ValueError – Thrown if BOTH snapshots and redshifts are specified.

_does_smf_need_computing(model: sage_analysis.model.Model) → bool

Determines whether the stellar mass function needs to be calculated based on the values of plot_toggles plots_that_need_smf.

Parameters:model (Model) – The Model instance we’re checking.
Returns:A boolean indicating whether the stellar mass function needs to be computed or not.
Return type:bool
_initialise_properties(name: str, model: sage_analysis.model.Model, galaxy_properties: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]], snapshot: int) → None

Initialises galaxy properties that will be analyzed.

  • name (string) – The name of the bins if the properties will be binned or a unique identifying name otherwise.
  • model (Model) – The Model instance to be updated.
  • galaxy_properties (dict[str, float or str or list of strings]]) – The galaxy properties that will be initialized. We defer to galaxy_properties_to_analyze in the :py:method:`~__init__` method for a full description of this variable.
  • snapshot (int) – The snapshot the properties are being updated for.
_read_sage_file(model: sage_analysis.model.Model) → None

Reads a SAGE parameter file to determine all parameters such as cosmology, redshift list, etc. In particular, also initializes the data_class for each model. This attribute is unique depending upon the value of sage_output_format and the corresponding entry in output_format_data_classes_dict.

Parameters:model (Model) – The Model instance to be updated.
analyze_galaxies(snapshots: Optional[List[List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, redshifts: Optional[List[List[Union[float, str]]]] = None, analyze_history_snapshots: bool = True) → None

Analyses the galaxies of the initialized models. These attributes will be updated directly, with the properties accessible via GalaxyAnalysis.models[<model_num>].properties[<snapshot>][<property_name>].

Also, all snapshots required to track the properties over time (as specified by _history_snaps_to_loop) will be analyzed, unless analyze_history_snapshots is False.

  • snapshots (nested list of ints or string, optional) – The snapshots to analyze for each model. If both this variable and redshifts are not specified, uses the highest snapshot (i.e., lowest redshift) as dictated by the redshifts attribute from the parameter file read for each model.

    If an entry if "All", then all snapshots for that model will be analyzed.

    The length of the outer list MUST be equal to num_models.


    If analyze_history_snapshots is True, then the snapshots iterated over will be the unique combination of the snapshots required for history snapshots and those specified by this variable.


    Only ONE of snapshots and redshifts can be specified.

  • redshifts (nested list of ints, optional) – The redshift to analyze for each model. If both this variable and snapshots are not specified, uses the highest snapshot (i.e., lowest redshift) as dictated by the redshifts attribute from the parameter file read for each model.

    The snapshots selected for analysis will be those that result in the redshifts closest to those requested. If an entry if "All", then all snapshots for that model will be analyzed.

    The length of the outer list MUST be equal to num_models.


    If analyze_history_snapshots is True, then the snapshots iterated over will be the unique combination of the snapshots required for history snapshots and those specified by this variable.


    Only ONE of snapshots and redshifts can be specified.

  • analyze_history_snapshots (bool, optional) – Specifies whether the snapshots required to analyze the properties tracked over time (e.g., stellar mass or star formation rate density) should be iterated over. If not specified, then only snapshot will be analyzed.


If you wish to analyze different properties to when you initialized an instance of GalaxyAnalysis, you MUST re-initialize another instance. Otherwise, the properties will be non-zeroed and not initialized correctly.

Thrown if BOTH snapshots and redshifts are specified.
generate_plots(snapshots: Optional[List[List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, redshifts: Optional[List[List[Union[float, str]]]] = None, plot_helper: Optional[sage_analysis.plot_helper.PlotHelper] = None) → Optional[List[matplotlib.figure.Figure]]

Generates the plots for the models being analyzed. The plots to be created are defined by the values of plot_toggles specified when an instance of GalaxyAnalysis was initialized. If you wish to analyze different properties or create different plots, you MUST initialize another instance of GalaxyAnalysis with the new values for plot_toggles (ensuring that values of calcuations_functions and plot_functions are updated if using non-default values for plot_toggles).

This method should be run after analysing the galaxies using :py:method:`~analyze_galaxies`.

  • snapshots (nested list of ints or string, optional) – The snapshots to plot for each model. If both this variable and redshifts are not specified, uses the highest snapshot (i.e., lowest redshift) as dictated by the redshifts attribute from the parameter file read for each model.

    If an entry if "All", then all snapshots for that model will be analyzed.

    The length of the outer list MUST be equal to num_models.

    For properties that aren’t analyzed over redshift, the snapshots for each model will be plotted on each figure. For example, if we are plotting a single model, setting this variable to [[63, 50]] will give results for snapshot 63 and 50 on each figure. For some plots (e.g., those properties that are scatter plotted), this is undesirable and one should instead iterate over single snapshot values instead.


    If analyze_history_snapshots is True, then the snapshots iterated over will be the unique combination of the snapshots required for history snapshots and those specified by this variable.


    Only ONE of snapshots and redshifts can be specified.

  • redshifts (nested list of ints, optional) – The redshift to plot for each model. If both this variable and snapshots are not specified, uses the highest snapshot (i.e., lowest redshift) as dictated by the redshifts attribute from the parameter file read for each model.

    The snapshots selected for analysis will be those that result in the redshifts closest to those requested. If an entry if "All", then all snapshots for that model will be analyzed.

    The length of the outer list MUST be equal to num_models.


    Only ONE of snapshots and redshifts can be specified.

  • plot_helper (PlotHelper, optional) – A helper class that contains attributes and methods to assist with plotting. In particular, the path where the plots will be saved and the output format. Refer to ../user/plot_helper for more information on how to initialize this class and its use.

    If not specified, then will initialize a default instance of PlotHelper. Refer to the PlotHelper documentation for a list of default attributes.



Specifies which redshifts should be analyzed for properties and plots that are tracked over time. The keys here MUST correspond to the keys in plot_toggles. If the value of the entry is "All", then all snapshots will be analyzed. Otherwise, will search for the closest snapshots to the requested redshifts.

Type:dict [string, string or list of floats]

The Model s being analyzed.

Type:list of Model class instances

The number of models being analyzed.


A dictionary that maps the output format name to the corresponding data class.

Type:dict [str, class]

A dictionary of functions that are used to plot the properties of galaxies being analyzed. Here, the outer key is the name of the corresponding plot toggle (e.g., "SMF"), the value is a tuple containing the function itself (e.g., plot_SMF()), and another dictionary which specifies any optional keyword arguments to that function with keys as the name of variable (e.g., "plot_sub_populations") and values as the variable value (e.g., True).

The functions in this dictionary are called for all files analyzed and MUST have a signature func(Models, snapshot, plot_helper, plot_output_format, optional_keyword_arguments). This dict can be generated using generate_func_dict().

Type:dict [str, tuple(function, dict [str, any])]

Specifies which properties should be analyzed and plotted.

Type:dict [str, bool]


sage_analysis.model module

This module contains the Model class. The Model class contains all the data paths, cosmology etc for calculating galaxy properties.

To read SAGE data, we make use of specialized Data Classes (e.g., SageBinaryData and:py:class:~sage_analysis.sage_hdf5.SageHdf5Data). We refer to Ingesting Custom Data for more information about adding your own Data Class to ingest data.

To calculate (and plot) extra properties from the SAGE output, we refer to ../user/calc.rst and ../user/plotting.rst.

class sage_analysis.model.Model(sage_file: str, sage_output_format: Optional[str], label: Optional[str], first_file_to_analyze: int, last_file_to_analyze: int, num_sage_output_files: Optional[int], random_seed: Optional[int], IMF: str, plot_toggles: Dict[str, bool], plots_that_need_smf: List[str], sample_size: int = 1000, sSFRcut: float = -11.0)

Bases: object

Handles all the galaxy data (including calculated properties) for a SAGE model.

The ingestion of data is handled by inidivudal Data Classes (e.g., SageBinaryData and SageHdf5Data). We refer to Ingesting Custom Data for more information about adding your own Data Class to ingest data.

calc_properties(calculation_functions, gals, snapshot: int)

Calculates galaxy properties for a single file of galaxies.

  • calculation_functions (dict [string, function]) – Specifies the functions used to calculate the properties. All functions in this dictionary are called on the galaxies. The function signature is required to be func(Model, gals)
  • gals (exact format given by the Model Data Class.) – The galaxies for this file.
  • snapshot (int) – The snapshot that we’re calculating properties for.


If sage_output_format is sage_binary, gals is a numpy structured array. If sage_output_format: is sage_hdf5, gals is an open HDF5 group. We refer to Ingesting Custom Data for more information about adding your own Data Class to ingest data.

calc_properties_all_files(calculation_functions, snapshot: int, close_file: bool = True, use_pbar: bool = True, debug: bool = False)

Calculates galaxy properties for all files of a single Model.

  • calculation_functions (dict [string, list(function, dict[string, variable])]) – Specifies the functions used to calculate the properties of this Model. The key of this dictionary is the name of the plot toggle. The value is a list with the 0th element being the function and the 1st element being a dictionary of additional keyword arguments to be passed to the function. The inner dictionary is keyed by the keyword argument names with the value specifying the keyword argument value.

    All functions in this dictionary for called after the galaxies for each sub-file have been loaded. The function signature is required to be func(Model, gals, <Extra Keyword Arguments>).

  • snapshot (int) – The snapshot that we’re calculating properties for.

  • close_file (boolean, optional) – Some data formats have a single file data is read from rather than opening and closing the sub-files in read_gals(). Hence once the properties are calculated, the file must be closed. This variable flags whether the data class specific close_file() method should be called upon completion of this method.

  • use_pbar (Boolean, optional) – If set, uses the tqdm package to create a progress bar.

  • debug (Boolean, optional) – If set, prints out extra useful debug information.

init_binned_properties(bin_low: float, bin_high: float, bin_width: float, bin_name: str, property_names: List[str], snapshot: int)

Initializes the properties (and respective bins) that will binned on some variable. For example, the stellar mass function (SMF) will describe the number of galaxies within a stellar mass bin.

bins can be accessed via Model.bins["bin_name"] and are initialized as ndarray. properties can be accessed via["property_name"] and are initialized using numpy.zeros.

  • bin_low, bin_high, bin_width (floats) – Values that define the minimum, maximum and width of the bins respectively. This defines the binning axis that the property_names properties will be binned on.
  • bin_name (string) – Name of the binning axis, accessed by Model.bins["bin_name"].
  • property_names (list of strings) – Name of the properties that will be binned along the defined binning axis. Properties can be accessed using["property_name"]; e.g.,["SMF"] would return the stellar mass function that is binned using the bin_name bins.
  • snapshot (int) – The snapshot we’re initialising the properties for.
init_scatter_properties(property_names: List[str], snapshot: int)

Initializes the properties that will be extended as ndarray. These are used to plot (e.g.,) a the star formation rate versus stellar mass for a subset of sample_size galaxies. Initializes as empty ndarray.

  • property_names (list of strings) – Name of the properties that will be extended as ndarray.
  • snapshot (int) – The snapshot we’re initialising the properties for.
init_single_properties(property_names: List[str], snapshot: int) → None

Initializes the properties that are described using a single number. This is used to plot (e.g.,) a the sum of stellar mass across all galaxies. Initializes as 0.0.

  • property_names (list of strings) – Name of the properties that will be described using a single number.
  • snapshot (int) – The snapshot we’re initialising the properties for.
select_random_galaxy_indices(inds: numpy.ndarray, num_inds_selected_already: int) → numpy.ndarray

Selects random indices (representing galaxies) from inds. This method assumes that the total number of galaxies selected across all SAGE files analyzed is sample_size and that (preferably) these galaxies should be selected equally amongst all files analyzed.

For example, if we are analyzing 8 SAGE output files and wish to select 10,000 galaxies, this function would hence select 1,250 indices from inds.

If the length of inds is less than the number of requested values (e.g., inds only contains 1,000 values), then the next file analyzed will attempt to select 1,500 random galaxies (1,250 base plus an addition 250 as the previous file could not find enough galaxies).

At the end of the analysis, if there have not been enough galaxies selected, then a message is sent to the user.


The initial mass function.

Type:{"Chabrier", "Salpeter"}

Base path to the output data. This is the path without specifying any extra information about redshift or the file extension itself.


The bins used to bin some properties. Bins are initialized through init_binned_properties(). Key is the name of the bin, (bin_name in init_binned_properties() ).

Type:dict [string, ndarray ]

Size of the simulation box. Units are Mpc/h.


A dictionary of functions that are used to compute the properties of galaxies. Here, the string is the name of the toggle (e.g., "SMF"), the value is a tuple containing the function itself (e.g., calc_SMF()), and another dictionary which specifies any optional keyword arguments to that function with keys as the name of variable (e.g., "calc_sub_populations") and values as the variable value (e.g., True).

Type:dict[str, tuple[func, dict[str, any]]]

The first SAGE sub-file to be read. If sage_output_format is sage_binary, files read must be labelled sage_data_path.XXX. If sage_output_format is sage_hdf5, the file read will be sage_data_path and the groups accessed will be Core_XXX. In both cases, XXX represents the numbers in the range [first_file_to_analyze, last_file_to_analyze] inclusive.


Value of the fractional Hubble parameter. That is, H = 100*hubble_h.


Label that will go on axis legends for this Model.


The last SAGE sub-file to be read. If sage_output_format is sage_binary, files read must be labelled sage_data_path.XXX. If sage_output_format is sage_hdf5, the file read will be sage_data_path and the groups accessed will be Core_XXX. In both cases, XXX represents the numbers in the range [first_file_to_analyze, last_file_to_analyze] inclusive.


Number of galaxies across all files. For HDF5 data formats, this represents the number of galaxies across all Core_XXX sub-groups.


The number of files that SAGE wrote. This will be equal to the number of processors the SAGE ran with.


If sage_output_format is sage_hdf5, this attribute is not required.


Path to where some plots will be saved. Used for plot_spatial_3d().


The directory path to where the SAGE paramter file is located. This is only the base directory path and does not include the name of the file itself.


Specifies which plots should be created for this model. This will control which properties should be calculated; e.g., if no stellar mass function is to be plotted, the stellar mass function will not be computed.

Type:dict[str, bool]

Specifies the plot toggles that require the stellar mass function to be properly computed and analyzed. For example, plotting the quiescent fraction of galaxies requires knowledge of the total number of galaxies. The strings here must EXACTLY match the keys in plot_toggles.

Type:list of ints

The galaxy properties stored across the input files and snapshots. These properties are updated within the respective calc_<plot_toggle> functions.

The outside key is "snapshot_XX" where XX is the snapshot number for the property. The inner key is the name of the proeprty (e.g., "SMF").

Type:dict [string, dict [string, ndarray ]] or dict[string, dict[string, float]

Specifies the seed used for the random number generator, used to select galaxies for plotting purposes. If None, then uses default call to seed().


Redshifts for this simulation.


The specific star formation rate above which a galaxy is flagged as “star forming”. Units are log10.


Path to the output data. If sage_output_format is sage_binary, files read must be labelled sage_data_path.XXX. If sage_output_format is sage_hdf5, the file read will be sage_data_path and the groups accessed will be Core_XXX at snapshot snapshot. In both cases, XXX represents the numbers in the range [first_file_to_analyze, last_file_to_analyze] inclusive.


The path to where the SAGE .ini file is located.


The output format SAGE wrote in. A specific Data Class (e.g., SageBinaryData and SageHdf5Data) must be written and used for each sage_output_format option. We refer to Ingesting Custom Data for more information about adding your own Data Class to ingest data.

Type:{"sage_binary", "sage_binary"}

Specifies the length of the properties attributes stored as 1-dimensional ndarray. These properties are initialized using init_scatter_properties().


Specifies the snapshot to be read. If sage_output_format is sage_hdf5, this specifies the HDF5 group to be read. Otherwise, if sage_output_format is sage_binary, this attribute will be used to index redshifts and generate the suffix for sage_data_path.


Volume spanned by the trees analyzed by this model. This depends upon the number of files processed, [:py:attr:`~first_file_to_analyze`, :py:attr:`~last_file_to_analyze`], relative to the total number of files the simulation spans over, num_sim_tree_files.


This is not necessarily box_size cubed. It is possible that this model is only analysing a subset of files and hence the volume will be less.


sage_analysis.sage_binary module

This module defines the SageBinaryData class. This class interfaces with the Model class to read in binary data written by SAGE. The value of sage_output_format is generally sage_binary if it is to be read with this class.

If you wish to ingest data from your own flavour of SAGE, please open a Github issue, I plan to add this documentation in future :)

Author: Jacob Seiler.

class sage_analysis.sage_binary.SageBinaryData(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, sage_file_to_read: str)

Bases: sage_analysis.data_class.DataClass

Class intended to inteface with the Model class to ingest the data written by SAGE. It includes methods for reading the output galaxies, setting cosmology etc. It is specifically written for when sage_output_format is sage_binary.

_check_for_file(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, file_num: int) → Optional[str]

Checks to see if a file for the given file number exists. Importantly, we check assuming that the path given in the SAGE parameter file is relative and absolute.

Parameters:file_num (int) – The file number that we’re checking for files.
Returns:If a file exists, the name of that file. Otherwise, if the file does not exist (using either relative or absolute paths), then None.
Return type:fname or None

Sets the numpy structured array for holding the galaxy data.

close_file(model: sage_analysis.model.Model)

An empty method to ensure consistency with the HDF5 data class. This is empty because snapshots are saved over different files by default in the binary format.

determine_num_gals(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, *args)

Determines the number of galaxies in all files for this Model.

  • model (Model class) – The Model we’re reading data for.
  • *args (Any) – Extra arguments to allow other data class to pass extra arguments to their version of determine_num_gals.
determine_volume_analyzed(model: sage_analysis.model.Model) → float

Determines the volume analyzed. This can be smaller than the total simulation box.

Parameters:model (Model instance) – The model that this data class is associated with.
Returns:volume – The numeric volume being processed during this run of the code in (Mpc/h)^3.
Return type:float
read_gals(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, file_num: int, snapshot: int, pbar: Optional[tqdm.std.tqdm] = None, plot_galaxies: bool = False, debug: bool = False)

Reads the galaxies of a model file at snapshot specified by snapshot.

  • model (Model class) – The Model we’re reading data for.
  • file_num (int) – Suffix number of the file we’re reading.
  • pbar (tqdm class instance, optional) – Bar showing the progress of galaxy reading. If None, progress bar will not show.
  • plot_galaxies (bool, optional) – If set, plots and saves the 3D distribution of galaxies for this file.
  • debug (bool, optional) – If set, prints out extra useful debug information.

gals – The galaxies for this file.

Return type:

numpy structured array with format given by :py:method:`~_get_galaxy_struct`


tqdm does not play nicely with printing to stdout. Hence we disable the tqdm progress bar if debug=True.

read_sage_params(sage_file_path: str) → Dict[str, Any]

Read the SAGE parameter file.

Parameters:sage_file_path (string) – Path to the SAGE parameter file.
Returns:model_dict – Dictionary containing the parameter names and their values.
Return type:dict [str, var]
update_snapshot_and_data_path(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, snapshot: int, use_absolute_path: bool = False)

Updates the _sage_data_path to point to a new redshift file. Uses the redshift array redshifts.

  • snapshot (int) – Snapshot we’re updating _sage_data_path to point to.
  • use_absolute_path (bool) – If specified, will use the absolute path to the SAGE output data. Otherwise, will use the path that is relative to the SAGE parameter file. This is hand because the SAGE parameter file can contain either relative or absolute paths.

sage_analysis.sage_hdf5 module

This module defines the SageHdf5Data class. This class interfaces with the Model class to read in binary data written by SAGE. The value of sage_output_format is generally sage_hdf5 if it is to be read with this class.

If you wish to ingest data from your own flavour of SAGE, please open a Github issue, I plan to add this documentation in future :)

Author: Jacob Seiler.

class sage_analysis.sage_hdf5.SageHdf5Data(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, sage_file_to_read: str)

Bases: sage_analysis.data_class.DataClass

Class intended to inteface with the Model class to ingest the data written by SAGE. It includes methods for reading the output galaxies, setting cosmology etc. It is specifically written for when sage_output_format is sage_hdf5.

_check_model_compatibility(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, sage_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) → None

Ensures that the attributes in the Model instance are compatible with the variables read from the SAGE parameter file (if read at all).

  • model (Model instance) – The model that this data class is associated with.
  • sage_dict (optional, dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary containing all of the fields read from the SAGE parameter file.


Raised if the user initialized Model with a value of num_sage_output_files that is different to the value specified in the HDF5 file.

Closes the open HDF5 file.

determine_num_gals(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, snapshot: int, *args)

Determines the number of galaxies in all cores for this model at the specified snapshot.

  • model (Model class) – The Model we’re reading data for.
  • snapshot (int) – The snapshot we’re analysing.
  • *args (Any) – Extra arguments to allow other data class to pass extra arguments to their version of determine_num_gals.
determine_volume_analyzed(model: sage_analysis.model.Model) → float

Determines the volume analyzed. This can be smaller than the total simulation box.

Parameters:model (Model instance) – The model that this data class is associated with.
Returns:volume – The numeric volume being processed during this run of the code in (Mpc/h)^3.
Return type:float
read_gals(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, core_num: int, snapshot: int, pbar: Optional[tqdm.std.tqdm] = None, plot_galaxies: bool = False, debug: bool = False) → Any

Reads the galaxies of a single core at the specified snapshot.

  • model (Model class) – The Model we’re reading data for.
  • core_num (Integer) – The core group we’re reading.
  • pbar (tqdm class instance, optional) – Bar showing the progress of galaxy reading. If None, progress bar will not show.
  • plot_galaxies (Boolean, optional) – If set, plots and saves the 3D distribution of galaxies for this file.
  • debug (Boolean, optional) – If set, prints out extra useful debug information.

gals – The galaxies for this file.

Return type:

h5py group


tqdm does not play nicely with printing to stdout. Hence we disable the tqdm progress bar if debug=True.

read_sage_params(sage_file_path: str) → Dict[str, Any]

Read the SAGE parameter file.

Parameters:sage_file_path (string) – Path to the SAGE parameter file.
Returns:model_dict – Dictionary containing the parameter names and their values.
Return type:dict [str, var]
update_snapshot_and_data_path(model: sage_analysis.model.Model, snapshot: int)

Updates the snapshot attribute to snapshot. As the HDF5 file contains all snapshot information, we do not need to update the path to the output data. However, ensure that the file itself is still open.